CPC (Certificate of Professional Competence) in Road Haulage for Transport Managers
Road Haulage Companies should show that they are 'professionally competent' or that they employ a transport manager who meets the requirements. Persons are being considered 'professionally competent' by passing the examination for the Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) conducted by Ministry of Transport of Latvia.
CPC Training Courses held in RTU Institute of Automobile Transport provide modular training and knowledge for passing the Competence Examination.
Road Haulage CPC Training Courses held:
- RTU Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Automobile Transport
- Riga, Ezermalas street 6k, Room 217
- Twelve weekday evenings: 16:00 – 21:00
Apply for Road Haulage CPC Training Courses:
- mob.tel.: 29116725
- tel.: 67089743; 67089741; 67089714
- e-mail: auto@rtu.lv
Detailed information about the CPC Training Courses for transport managers of road haulage companies is available here (in Latvian)!